We exist to witness God's love
so that all can share in His joy.
Welcome to St. Luke Parish! We are happy you decided to explore our parish website. We hope the information presented here will help you decide to become a member of our parish family. St. Luke is a vibrant, loving, and caring Catholic parish. Our Pastor, Fr. Michael Szwarc, and the parish staff are excited to welcome people from different parts of Morris County and the surrounding towns of Tewksbury, Hackettstown, and Lebanon. We have many ministries in which you can get involved. Feel free to explore our website or call the parish office for more information. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
Our parish ministries are part of our identity. To highlight a few: we have a Special Needs Ministry welcoming everyone as brothers and sisters in Christ, a TLC Ministry that visits the homebound, an OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Ministry that welcomes non-Catholics and Catholics who need to complete the sacraments of Christian Initiation, an active Young Adult Ministry, and a growing Youth Ministry. Through our Hands of St. Luke Ministry, we support the needs of those living in our local community and in the city of Paterson.
Our Religious Education (CCD) and Confirmation programs are very relational, and we always welcome catechists with or without experience. We have ongoing formation sessions to support all new volunteers.
A wonderful way to meet members of our community is at our Masses. We have daily Mass at 9:00 am from Monday to Saturday, and we offer many options for Sunday worship. Our weekend Mass schedule reflects our varied community: a 5:00 pm Saturday Mass with more traditional music and a parish choir, a 7:30 am Mass for the early risers/golfers with guitar music, the 9:30 am Mass is our Children's Mass filled with joy and energy, an 11:00 am Mass with the parish choir, and a 6:00 pm Mass attracting many young adults because of more contemporary music.
Fr. Michael is looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your family. Please feel free to stop by to say hello if you are in the area or, if he can be of assistance to you, please call him at (908) 876-3515. Once again, WELCOME, and may God bless you and your family!
If you decide to become a member of our parish family, click here.