Dear Parishioners, Happy Easter!How thrilled I am to be able to celebrate the Easter masses with a joyful congregation. Last year, Fr. Alex and I con-celebrated virtual liturgies and you all watched online. How we missed being together, sharing the beautiful story of our faith in prayer and holy worship. On Holy Thursday and Good Friday, I was delighted to see our families gathered together to celebrate the Lord’s gift of the Holy Eucharist to us and the gift of Discipleship. On Friday with great love and sorrow, we were able to re-live Christ’s difficult walk to Cavalry and his death on the cross. Holy Saturday night, the bells were rung, the Exsultet was chanted, the Gloria was sung and with great joy and many Alleluias, we celebrated the risen Christ in our midst. This coming Sunday, April 11, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. At 2:15 pm until 3:15 pm, Deacon Ray will lead our parish in a holy hour followed by Benediction. During this same time, I will be available in the chapel for confession. Please consider coming for this special time as we grow in faith during this time of Easter tide. It is with great joy that I baptized David Book into the Catholic faith and welcomed Lesley Dellano, David Edgar, Precsilla and Jules Acuria, former Protestants to become Catholics through their profession of faith. Our newly baptized along with Chrissy Aquino Rocco received First Holy Communion. These new members of our Catholic faith along with Bren and Peter Acuria, Marissaand Nicole Rocco and Thomas Broderick then received the sacrament of Confirmation. I am grateful to God for our eleven new disciples and grateful to Deacon Ray, Stephanie, Sam and Colleen for their time, efforts and their loving support as we prepared our candidates for the sacraments. I am grateful to our sacristans Rhonda, Lyn, Jeanne and Pat for their hard work in decorating our church through Lent and especially for their devotion to making our sacred space reflect the given season. I am grateful to you our beloved parishioners who have placed donations in our Easter envelopes and given us the opportunity to decorate the church so beautifully. Please see the beautiful display of intentions in the narthex. Thanks also to our ushers, lectors, extraordinary ministers, music ministry, altar servers, audio-visual ministry and our devoted staff who share their gift of time so generously. On behalf of Fr. Hubert, Deacon Ray and our staff, I wish you a Holy and joyful Easter. Enjoy these beautiful days when we reflect upon Christ’s resurrection and his invitation to us to go forth and bring the good news to all.