Dear Parishioners, As we gather on this beautiful Feast of Corpus Christi, we give God thanks for the gift of the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist is the center of our faith, the source and sum of all that we are as Roman Catholics. By receiving in this way, Jesus Christ, Body and Blood, we are given the tools to reflect God’s love, God’s mercy and God’s grace to the world. During the past several weeks, we have celebrated our college graduates. We give God thanks for these wonderful young men and women who through intellect and hard work will use their gifts well to enrich our world. We celebrate our Catholic grammar and high school graduates who will graduate throughout our Diocese in the next two weeks. We pray for our grammar school graduates as they begin to prepare for middle school and our high school graduates as they prepare for college. Last Tuesday, Bishop Sweeney presided in a Mass of Thanksgiving for the priests of our Diocese, who celebrate special anniversaries. Fr. Mike and I were thrilled to concelebrate with our Bishop and join our brother priests in prayer but especially, to affirm the priests who have celebrated 65, 60, 50, 40 and 25 years of Ordination. One of the honorees is our beloved Fr. Peter Doody, the Founding Pastor of St. Luke Parish. On behalf of Fr. Mike and you, my beloved parishioners, I wished him Godspeed and our gratitude during these special days for him. Our priest homilist, Fr. Kieran McHugh reminded us that they, the older priests of our Diocese, in many ways stood on the shoulders of their elder brothers in Christ. We affirm our elder Priests who have helped nurture and develop the gifts of many priests such as me, a priest of 29 years, in particular with a clear understanding of how to shepherd and administer a parish in a positive and effective way. During this month of June also, we celebrate in a special way the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We look upon the heart of Christ filled with compassion, mercy and love and strive to share those same qualities with those with whom we interact in our lives. We contemplate the Sacred Heart of Jesus and ask for the grace and blessings to lift our hearts to his in union with the whole church throughout the world. We pray, Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.