Most of us had a relaxing day on Martin Luther King Day on Monday. The snowstorm meant that many of us stayed indoors and rested up a little bit. As we consider Martin Luther King’s life, we consider his heroic struggle to bring about equality for African Americans. As we prepare to celebrate Black History month in February, I invite you to research a little bit about how the slaves were brought to America and the lives in which they led under the oppression of some who became very wealthy at their expense. We certainly know that God has no favorites but truly empowers every human being to have dignity and to use their gifts with courage and generosity. We, who are both educated and financially secure are truly blessed and as we appreciate our lifestyle, let us continue to be aware of past mistakes so that we, as Catholic Americans can be a part of the solution through the grace of God.
Last Tuesday, our Governor was sworn in for a second term. Many Catholics are shocked and concerned about his stance towards the culture of death. In the last couple of weeks, he has used every effort to ensure that abortion will be the future of our state for many years to come and is in favor of even late term abortion. We must be aware, my dear parishioners, that the baby in the womb is God’s gift to the world and that women and men who kill the baby in the womb are going against God’s plan for creation. The baby in the womb is both fragile and dependent upon the mother and father to give them life. We must ask, how can any person of faith threaten and kill that vulnerable life that seeks the ability to live? Next weekend, I will have petition sheets in the narthex which we will mail to the Governor on behalf of the parish of St. Luke. These lists will help him to understand that we abhor his actions. Please prayerfully consider the need to sign this petition so that we can make known our concern of the attack on these most helpless human beings. Let us not be afraid to stand up for them, sign the form, sign the petition, and pray for the end of abortion in our land. As your pastor, you know how concerned I am about our children and young people and only at a certain age should children be made aware of the evil of abortion. This can be a frightening topic for many young people, and we always protect their innocence until they are mature enough to handle this discussion which is why when I speak about abortion, I am always sensitive to little ears and young minds.
A big thank you to Bob Dunne, the Cornerstone men and the Knights of Columbus who for the last couple of weeks collected coats for the needy. There was a huge response to the Coat Drive, and we received 200 coats of various types and sizes. These gifts of love will certainly help to keep many warm during these cold days.
I look forward to presiding at a Liturgy meeting this coming Saturday, 22nd, where a variety of parish leadership will join me as we plan for the upcoming Lent and Easter season. It is always wonderful when many minds get together and where we can flesh out ideas that best serve our beloved community of St. Luke.
We welcome our 9th graders who are entering into a retreat this Saturday, 22nd and will complete the retreat at the 5 pm Mass. We hold them in prayer.