Dear Parishioners, On Sunday, February 21st, Bishop Kevin formally invited David Book, a member of the Jewish faith to begin the formal process of initiation into the Catholic Church. David’s wife, Kelly is an active member of our parish and their two children, Kaylee and Shane are involved in both our CCD and Confirmation programs as well as our Special Needs Ministry for many years. I invited David to become a Catholic last fall and was thrilled and delighted when he said yes. Deacon Ray accompanied the Book family to the cathedral on February 21st and presented David along with other candidates from across the diocese. Last weekend, I formally welcomed and began a period of purification for our entire RCIA group who will receive the sacraments on Holy Saturday.
This weekend, I invite our RCIA candidates (“elect”), to celebrate the First Scrutiny at the 6 pm mass. Please keep our candidates in prayer during these days. I am thrilled to welcome and present our candidates to you this weekend.
Fr. Hubert and I have been busy each Monday hearing confessions and are pleased by the many Catholics who make time to come especially during the Lenten season. We are also available every Saturday at 4 pm. This Wednesday, as you are aware, we will have multiple priests, socially distanced, to hear confessions and prepare you, my beloved parishioners for the holy joyful time of Easter. Fr. Hubert and I have prepared helpful hints in preparing for Confession. Copies are in the narthex for your convenience and online. I received a call from a lady at the Episcopal Church of Budd Lake a couple weeks ago. They had heard about our Hands of St. Luke ministry and donated a truckload of non-perishables for the poor in Paterson City. We are so grateful for their generosity. Steve Deehan and our leadership group are thrilled and humbled by the outpouring of generosity from so many in our own parish and local communities in our challenge to assist those struggling among us. He has been in touch with the Long Valley Ecumenical pantry and offered to provide them with any assistance they need. Have a good week! Father Owen Moran