We exist to witness God's love
so that all can share in His joy.
Dear Parents,
In the months ahead your child will join me, their volunteer catechists, and the other religious education children and teens in prayer. Making room for prayer is an important part of our ongoing growth in faith. Our prayers will include adoration, blessing, praise, thanksgiving, and petition stirring in them a longing to celebrate the wonder of life and to know God as friend.
As I support you in your role as the primary educator in the faith of your child, I take this moment to ask you to pray for all our volunteers as we begin a new year of religious education at St. Luke’s. We will keep you in our prayers and together, we will form a community of spiritual support for one another, for the greater glory of God and the ever deepening of our faith.
I look forward to all that we will learn together about our faith in the months ahead. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire us, may Jesus shine through us, and may God’s guiding hand rest on us all..
Maureen Murtagh – Director of Religious Education